Story, part 20

– I too once came to this village from afar. At that time only 15 people lived here. Now there are 50. Magnificent married a man who was held in high esteem! Back then, her name was Bolemira. People remember my son-in-law as a good guardian. Therefore, after his death, they trusted that his wife would guide them as well.

– So, Magnificent is your daughter? – asked fascinated Nuszka

– Oh yes! And…

– …and the village really began to exist with the day my esteemed husband passed away – said Magnificent, entering the room. She walked over to the bunch of dried daffodils by the window and focused her attention on one of them.

– Of course – replied Grandma, bowing gently – but you mustn’t underestimate the role of your good husband – she added.

– The dead are the dead – replied the daughter, crushing the flower in her hand to dust. She turned her gaze to the women – oh, you’re sewing! Oh how beautiful! Nulka, I knew you had a special talent. I wonder what other wonders are hidden in this person!

– Who knows, maybe even bigger than Magnificent! – Grandma joked, but in a fraction of a second her lips tightened and she quickly stammered, nervously nudging Nuszka on the shoulder – give me a bucket, child, I’m thirsty.

However, the first sentence did not escape the attention of Magnificent. She gracefully walked the few steps that separated her from the Grandma and looked around the table.

– So are you drinking mead today? – she asked in a sonorous voice. – Wonderful, everyone deserves pleasure.

– She reached for her cup of mead and took a sip – then spat out the liquid violently and wiped her mouth with the edge of a napkin. She contorted her face in disgust and looked for a moment at the surprised Nushka’s face and the embarrassed grandma’s.

– Sometimes it seems to me that I can still drink swill, but each time I get convinced that my body is too flawless for that – then she turned directly to her grandmother – I feel sorry for you my dear. But I always accept you as you are.

Grandma’s face turned beet red and her eyes glazed over. She lowered her head. Magnificent unhurriedly left the room.

– Grandma – gasped speechless Nuszka, not fully believing what she had just seen

– Pay no attention to it child, it is what it is. But she’s actually a good woman. You’ll be fine by her side, just don’t try to get above her.

Nuszka took her grandma’s hand with both hands, looking at her in disbelief.

Written by Paulina

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