Your fairy-tale SELF on order

You are walking through an ancient forest...

…silence all around. You are surrounded by trees so old that just looking at them feels like a great honor. You take your steps slowly and carefully, because every, even the smallest rustle from under your feet reaches your ears. The sounds quickly vanish without leaving a trace. 

You know where you’re going. You know that your path will lead you through experiences that arouse all possible feelings. You know that challenges that await you require acts of heroism.

But above all, you know that you are walking towards your destiny. Where you are going there is a beauty you have never known before, and your faith in the existence of this beauty is stronger than your fear of the unknown.

Look ahead, imagine that you are piercing the thicket of the forest with your hawk’s gaze. What is this wonder for you that you are persistently aiming for? What makes your legs move? Because even if sometimes it seems to you that you are walking aimlessly or that you are going to your doom, it is in this aimlessness or doom that there may be treasure.

Look to your right, is there an animal walking by your side? Is there any person or creature? What does it mean for you? Is this your guide? Or maybe you just have yourself for your company?

Look to the left, is there someone or something trying to stop you from continuing your journey? If so, does it have form or shape? What does it say to you? And how do you react to it?

Yes, you are the main character of this story and every character in it has a meaning for you. Nothing happens without a reason, nothing appears in your imagination by accident.

It's time to capture the image of your own fairy tale on paper


  • Scenarios like the one above make you want to look deeper into this wildness and get to know it better,
  • you want to have something in your surroundings that will remind you of your unique nature,
  • symbols speak to you,
  • you dream of seeing your image on a large format in the role of Rusalka, Baba Yaga, Lady Midday, or any mythical character,
  • you want to honor your bond with fairy tales and fantasy.

Your magic and power can be released through a personalized image. Together we will find them in you and I will crown them with a drawing.

What can you expect?

The beginning of my work on the painting is preceded by a conversation via Skype, during which I want to get to know you, your powers and your fairy-tale preferences. If you need to prepare for it, you can do it, but you don’t have to 🙂

Time preparing one painting is a few weeks. I let this process work in me at its own pace.

I will select materials individually from: colored pencils, fineliners, markers, acrylic paints, watercolor paints, gifts from nature, as well as canvas, cardboard, paper.

The service is NOT for you if you expect a hyper-realistic reproduction of the photo.


Fill your space with magic

Your fairy-tale self on request, including:

  • Skype meeting
  • Interpretation of the information about you in terms of the image
  • Making art – A2 or similar format

3 500 PLN (around 840 $)

(shipping paid separately)

“Fairy tales, myths, and legends give us an understanding that sharpens our vision so that we see and follow the path blazed by primordial nature. The clues contained in such stories and legends give assurance that the path will not break off, will not disappear, but will lead on and on to deep wisdom.

The trail we all follow is the trail of the wild instinctive Self that is inherent in us.

Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Women Who Run With the Wolves

Who am I?

My name is Paulina Śliwa and I tell fairy-tale stories with drawings and words. Every day I am convinced of the power of fairy tales and various stories filled with magic. As long as the story has an element of magic and mystery, it doesn’t matter to me whether it’s a Greek myth, a biblical parable, a Slavic tale, a Disney movie or a Tolkien novel. Throughout my life, I have experienced the transformative power of such stories. Not only do they teach how to be a good person, but above all they reach such places in us that no mundane words could touch. They move parts of us that reveal what needs to be noticed. Sometimes one quote, one phrase from a fairy tale can change someone’s sensitivity and perception of various things.

The world of myths and fairy tales, just like drawing, have accompanied me since childhood. For a long time I perceived both of these passions as an unfortunate gift from the Higher Power 🙂 I did not understand why my interests are THIS. Why can’t I be interested in something more down to earth. Now I look at what I have to offer to the world with the greatest respect and I am happy to go out with my message.

We are all magic. Our world is a fairy tale, and imagination was given to us to be used. Because fantasizing is basically the seed of the reality that we build for ourselves.




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