Story, part 1

Once upon a time, somewhere in lands of four seasons, there was one being. At first glance one could say – a beautiful young girl. She had long, black hair, blue eyes and round face. Usually she wouldn’t bother herself with wearing clothes because she rarely met people but once she did, her figure charmed everyone. She lived in a forest next to a lake.

Sometimes she would hide in a tree or among sweet flags and sleep there. Sometimes she wouldn’t sleep at all and instead, with her aunts and sisters, wash clothes she wore so rarely. She often wondered why her life is so much different than the one in a village nearby. Why people wear clothes, why men live with women and they seem to be happy together, why everything seems to be so different there… but above all, why she feels such a deep hatred to them? Her relatives would chasten her for these questions but she couldn’t stop wondering what are the answers, and if someone is very curious, grandmother’s advices aren’t really convincing…

Written by Paulina

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